Monday , March 31 2025

Tag Archives: Income tax excel sheet for mp employees

Heera Lal Jat Excel Sheet

Heera Lal Jat Rajsevak

Heera Lal Jat – Sr. Teacher
Mahatma Gandhi Govt. School, Bar, PALI
चन्डावल नगर, तह. – सोजत, जिला – पाली

Heera Lal Jat Software

Heera Lal Jat New Software

Education Program

Heera Lal Jat Pay Software

Heera Lal Jat Incometax Software

ओल्ड वर्जन IT Software

  1. FY 2021-22 Incometax Programs
  2. IT Sheet with March 20 Freeze Salary :
  3. Tax Sheet without March 20 Freeze Salary :
  4. Income tax Excel Sheet (चिकित्सा विभाग) FY 2020-21 Dt. 26-12-2020
  5. Income tax Excel Sheet FY 2020-21 Dt. 21-12-2020 PC Version For MP State Employees
  6. Income tax Excel Sheet FY 2020-21 Dt. 21-12-2020 Mobile Version For MP State Employees
  7. Income tax Macro Excel Sheet IT FY 2020-21 Updated 06-12-2020
  8. Income tax Excel Sheet IT FY 2020-21 Updated 01-12-2020
  9. IT FY 2019-20 for PD Head Ver. Dt. 22-12-19
  10. IT FY 2019-20 Ver. Dt. 22-12-19 
  11. IT FY Specially for Medical and Police Department Dt. 17-12-19  
  12. IT FY Mobile Update 12-12-19 
  13. IT FY Micro Dt. 3-12-19

Introduction :
Sh. Heera Lal Jat is very Excellent and Clean excel Sheet Developer. Excel sheets is very useful in offices and school for income-tax and exam result making.

Software Developer Team :

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