Friday , March 28 2025

The Bharat Scouts and Guides



1. THE BHARAT SCOUTS & GUIDES Movement was conceptualized as far back as 1890 by Lord Baden Powell and the first Scout Camp was organized in 1907. Initially, Scouting was a movement intended for the benefit of British boys. In or around the year 1911, a corresponding movement was started for girls and came to be known as the Guide Movement. In India, the Scouts Movement started in 1909 and the Guide Movement in 1911.

The Scouts and Guides movement in India has an illustrious history. The movement initially started under different names and different provinces in India such as the Sewa Samiti Scouts Association, The All India Boys Scouts etc. several stalwarts of various fields of public life in India have been associated with the Scouts and Guides movements in India in different points of time. Some of the public figures actively associated with the movement including Mr. Vivian Bose, Dr. Annie Besant, Dr. G.S. Arundale, Shri V.K.Krishna Menon, Shri S.V. Kamat, Sri K.B. Godrej, Mr. Rustomji, Dr. Mohan Singh Mehta, Shri Janaki Saran Verma, Pandit H.N. Kunzru, Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya, Mr. Justice M. Hidayatullah, etc. ( THE BHARAT SCOUTS & GUIDES )

2. That at the time of independence, there are mainly 2(two) boys Scouts Associations, namely, “Boys Scouts Association” and “Hindustan Scouts Association”, and one All India Girl Guide Association. Efforts were made by Lord Baden Powell, the Founder of the Movement, at the instance of Lord Chelmsford, the then Viceroy of India, in 1920-21 and again in 1937-38 to unify different Associations. Efforts could not be succeed because the Indian Associations could not owe allegiance to the Crown as desired by the then regime. THE BHARAT SCOUTS & GUIDES

After the independence of the country incessant efforts were made by the National Leaders of the time like Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, the then Prime Minister of India. On 29th May 1948, an informal meeting was conducted and presided over by the then Education Minister, Mr. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad. It was stressed that Scout/Guide organization be free of any taint of political or communal partisanship and there would be unification of the movement. Ultimately, after a long discussion, representatives of the two pioneer associations, existing at that time, decided to set up a committee with Dr. Tarachand, Secretary, Ministry of Education as Chairman and Commander G.H. Nicholla, Deputy Private Secretary to the Governor General as a Member to work out the details of the amalgamations.

 3.  That the name of the organization was evolved and agreed upon after many deliberations. The Constitution of India has accepted the name “Bharat” as an alternative name of India. It was, therefore, agreed that the merged organization would be registered under the name “Bharat Scouts & Guides” to form a singly National Scouts and Guides Movement. The merger had the blessings of the late Chief Guides Lady Baden Powell. The merged organization’s new name came to be registered and incorporated under the name and style of Bharat Scouts and Guides on 6th November, 1950 under the Societies Registration Act (Act XXI of 1860). The merger of two organizations came into effect on 7th November, 1950. The amalgamation was pursuant to a meeting convened under Societies Registration Act dated 24th October, 1950. (A Photocopy of the certificate of Registration is enclosed herewith as Annexure-1). The All India Girl Guide Association merged with the Bharat Scouts and Guides later in August, 1951.

 4.  The Bharat Scouts & Guides is the largest voluntary, non-political, uniformed Youth Organization and educational Movement in the Country working in the field of character building of the young boys and girls, without any distinction of caste, creed and religion. While, there were several Scout Organizations and a separate Girl Guide Association functioning in India during the pre-independence era. The Bharat Scouts & Guides came into existence on November 7, 1950 as a single joint Organization of Scouts as well as Guides. This could happen as a consequence of merger of Boy Scouts Association of India, Hindustan Scouts Association and the Girl Guides Association under the guidance of the then the leaders of the country like Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, Dr. H.N.Kunzru, Justice Hidyatullah, Sir Vivian Bose and many other stalwarts. The Bharat Scouts & Guides is recognized by the World Organisation of Scout Movement (WOSM) and World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS).

 5.  The Bharat Scouts & Guides was internationally recognized in December 1950 pursuant to Circular to Circular No. 40 of 1950 of the Boys Scouts International Bureau and in April, 1954 when the Bharat Scouts and Guides became a member of the World Association o Girl Guides and Girl Scouts. Prior to this affiliation, the All India Girl Guides Association was a member of the world body. It is pertinent to mention that more than 160 Counties are members of the International Scouts body i.e. World Organization of Scout Movement (WOSM) and approximately 140 Countries are members of the International Guide body i.e. World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS). (A Photocopy of the Circular No. 40 of 1950 is enclosed herewith as Annexure-II).

 6.   At the international level, there is only one body for Scouts namely “World Organisation of Scouts Movement” with its headquarters at Geneva (Switzerland) and one body for Girl Guides, namely, “World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts” with its headquarters at London in Great Britain. As per the rules of the said two apex bodies, only one national body from affiliated countries is recognized and admitted as a member. Thus, the Bharat Scouts & Guides is the only recognized body by the said two international bodies in India.

7.   The Movement of Scouting and Guiding is internationally recognized. The movement has the universal Motto “ Do your Best” for Cubs & Bulbuls ranging from the age group 05-09 years, “Be Prepared” for Scouts & Guides ranging from the age group 10-16 Years and “Service” for Rovers & Rangers ranging at the age group 16-25 years. In India, almost 46 State Associations including Union Territories, 9 Indian Railway Zones, Scout/Guides Associations of the Kendriya Vidhyalaya Sangathan and those of the Navodaya Vidhalaya Samiti are all affiliated and members of the Bharat Scouts & Guides. The Bharat Scouts & Guides has district units in different countries where Indian Schools are functioning including Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Sultanate of Oman. The Central Tibetan Administration Schools are also having Scout/Guide Unit which are affiliated to the Bharat Scouts & Guides.

 8.   The Bharat Scouts & Guides is engaged in the task of developing the personality of the youth and canalizing their energies into the task of National resurgence. The Scouts and Guides are seen working with dedication and commitment to serve the community. The membership of the Bharat Scouts & Guides today touches all time record of over 50 lakhs Scouts & Guides. We are the third largest in the world in the number of Scouts and second largest in the number of Guides.

 9.    The representatives of the Bharat Scouts and Guides have represented and have attended various World events and Conferences and earned laurels for the Country. The Bharat Scouts and Guides has been honoured with “PEACE MESSENGER AWARD” by the UNO in 1987, “HABITAT AWARD” in 1990 and “INDIRA GANDHI NATIONAL INTEGRATION AWARD” in 1987.  The stalwarts like late Mrs. Lakshmi Mazumdar the then National Commissioner and Sardar Lakshman Singh have been the recipients of “PADMA SHREE” and “PADMA VIVHUSHAN” respectively.


The Bharat Scouts and Guides Flag shall be in dark blue color, the emblem in yellow colour shall be in the center of the flag with Ashoka Chakra in blue color. The size of the flag shall be 180 cms. In length and 120 cms. in width, the emblem will be 45 cms by 39 cms. The size of the Group Flag, which is the same as above, shall be 180 cms X 120 cms. with proportionate emblem. The name of the group shall be written in a yellow color below the emblem in straight line. The Fleur-de-lis the International emblem of Scouting and Ashoka Chakra is meant to emphasize the all-India character of the Movement. The super imposed trefoil represents the guide wing of the B.S.&G.

The World Scout Flag

The flag is actually royal purple with the white fleur-de-lis and rope is the flag for the World Organization of Scouting Movements (WOSM), headquartered in Switzerland. The flag represents all member organizations of the WOSM in a like manner as the United Nations flag represents all member nations of the UN. The flag is taken from the fleur-de-lis, or lily of the flower, which as the previous poster wrote, is found as part of the Scout emblem of every other nations’ Scouting organizations. It is also found frequently on compasses and pointing devices and points in the true direction, as Scouts should also be moving positively toward. The two stars on the flag allude to truth and knowledge, the two most important elements found in the creeds, promises and oaths of all member organizations. They also remind us of the stars in the sky and the outdoor element of Scouting. The rope encircles the fleur-de-lis and a reminder of the true brotherhood of all WOSM members. The rope is tied at the bottom in the reef knot (we Americans call it the square knot), which is the most useful of all rope knots if tied properly and reminds all of our obligations to be of service to one another as well as to be useful.



The length and breadth of the bandage depends up on the intensity of the wound. Roller bandages are of different length and breadth. Roller bandages are kept safely by rolling it. It can be applicable to almost all wounds affected in human body. Elastic Crape Bandage It is applicable to the part of human body which is affected by sprain. This is used to cover the swelling parts.

Triangular Bandages

A first aid kit the most imprtant particle is triangular bandage. This is a large and triangular pieces of material. The triangular bandage two sides about 1 meter long and third about 1.4 meters. Triangular bandage can be used as:

  • Collar & Cuff Sling
  • St John Sling
  • Broad bandage
  • Narrow Bandage
  • Pad


It is usefull for a casualy with a fracture of the upper arm or an injured hand. Allow the elbow to hang naturally at the side and plase the hand extended towardsthe shoulder on the injured side. Then you form a clove hitch by forming two loops. One towards you. One away from you. put the loops together by sliding your hands under the loops and closing with a clapping motion, then apply a clove hitch directly on the wrist, but take care clove hitch not to move the injured arm. Slide the clove hitch over the hand and gently pull it fimly to securew the wrist. Extend the points of the bandage to either side of the neck and tie fimly with a reef knot allow the arm to hang comfertably.


It is useful for a casualty with an injured shoulder, collor band,hand or fingures. It is the best sling in a injured parts because it supports the whole arm and takes the weight of the arm off the injured parts. In the case of hand or fingures injuries, it can be used toelevate the injured part.


Broad bandage is a triangular bandage, because which is folded and used to tie on solints and dressings. First the bandage is fold it in half , point to base, then fold it in hals again.


Narrow bandage is one or more broad bandage is fold and is mainly used for the collar & cuff sling. First the bandage is fold it in half, point to base and again fold and make a broad bandage. Then fold it in half again. You now have a narrow bandage,


if you donot have a sterile pad in your First Aid Kit, you can use a triangular bandage. Then fold the two ends into the middle. Now fold both ends into the middle again. Fold what is left in half to make a pad. The triangular bandage is folded like this, the pad easy to store it in a first aid kit. It is used to controlbleeding.


The key aims of first aid can be summarised in three key points:

  • Preserve life – the overriding aim of all medical care, including first aid, is to save lives
  • Prevent further harm – also sometimes called prevent the condition from worsening, this covers both external factors, such as moving a patient away from any cause of harm, and applying first aid techniques to prevent worsening of the condition, such as applying pressure to stop a bleed becoming dangerous.
  • Promote recovery – first aid also involves trying to start the recovery process from the illness or injury, and in some cases might involve completing a treatment, such as in the case of applying a plaster to a small wound


Things You’ll Need

  • Water
  • Soap
  • Antibiotic cream
  • Adhesive bandage
  • Antiseptic (optional)

Step 1

First and foremost, know when to seek medical attention:

If your injury involves any of the following, contact a doctor:

  • The cut is deep
  • The cut is long. Long cuts are considered to be approximately 1 inch when on the hand or foot and 2 inches when elsewhere on the body.
  • The cut is jagged.
  • The injury involved a pet, especially a cat.
  • The injury involved a wild animal.
  • The injury is due to a bite, either human or animal.
  • The wound has debris stuck in it after cleansing.
  • The wound is bleeding heavily.
  • The wound will not stop bleeding after applying direct pressure for 10 minutes.
  • The injury is a puncture wound.

Also contact your doctor if you are overdue for a tetanus booster. For minor cuts, scratches and scrapes, be sure you have had at least three tetanus shots before the injury and you are within 10 years of your last booster. For more serious cuts, be sure you have had three tetanus shots before the injury and you are within 5 years of your last booster.

Step 2

First aid when very little bleeding is involved:

If a cut, scratch or scrape is minor and has very slight bleeding, the best first step is to clean the wound.

Rinse the cut, scratch or scrape under running cool to lukewarm water. If the cut is in an area too difficult to get under a faucet, fill a clean cup or bottle with water and pour it over the wound.

Use only mild soap, gently applied with a gauze pad or soft, clean cloth, when cleaning a cut, scratch or scrape. Be sure to remove all soap from the wound by rinsing thoroughly. Do not use strong soaps when providing first aid to a cuts, scratches or scrapes, as they can cause additional irritation to the injured area. Under no circumstances should you use strong cleansers or detergents, such as bleach, to clean your injury.

Step 3

First aid when there is bleeding involved:

If a cut is minor and bleeding a little more heavily, your first step is to apply direct pressure to aid the blood in clotting. Use gauze or a clean, soft cloth and apply firm, but gentle, pressure for several minutes. Elevate the injured area above the level of your heart whenever possible. If the blood begins to soak through the material, do not remove the gauze or cloth. Simply place another piece of gauze or cloth on top of the one you are currently holding and continue to apply pressure.

Cuts on the head, face and mouth usually bleed more heavily than minor cuts elsewhere on the body due to the large number of blood vessels contained in these areas. Do not be alarmed. Keep applying pressure until the bleeding stops.

Once the bleeding is under control, gently remove the cloth and begin cleansing the wound as outlined above. Bleeding may start again during the cleansing process. Use another clean cloth or gauze pad to apply pressure again when you are done cleaning the wound.

Step 4

First aid when debris is involved:

Many scrapes will have debris, such as gravel, sand or wood chips, embedded in them. Increase the strength of the stream of the cleansing water to dislodge as much debris as possible. Use a set of tweezers which have been thoroughly cleaned with rubbing alcohol to remove any debris that remains at the surface. Do not dig for any deeply embedded items. Do not use brushes or rough washcloths, as doing so will cause more damage to the skin and increase the risk of infection. If you cannot remove all the debris, seek the help of a medical professional.

Step 5

First aid with an antiseptic:

Hydrogen peroxide or other antiseptics are not needed for all wounds. Cleaning a cut, scrape or scratch with hydrogen peroxide causes additional irritation to the injury and can potentially kill off healthy cells needed for healing. Thoroughly cleaning the wound as described above is usually enough. If the cut, scratch or scrape occurred in a very dirty place or while handling items such as raw meat, a little hydrogen peroxide during the initial cleaning may be warranted. Be sure to rinse thoroughly to prevent continued irritation.

Step 6

First aid using adhesive bandages:

Opinions differ as to whether all cuts and scratches need to be bandaged. If the cut or scratch is in an area that will not become dirty, it is fine to leave it uncovered. Apply a topical antibiotic cream a couple times a day to keep it moist and fight infection.

If the cut or scratch is on an area that will easily become dirty (a hand or foot) or an area that will be irritated by clothing (a knee), apply an adhesive bandage or gauze and medical tape. Continue to use a bandage in these areas for 7 to 10 days, or until the injury is well healed.

Due to the fact scrapes dry out easily and can cause scarring, bandages are generally recommended for them. Extra large adhesive bandages are available in stores. You can also use sterile gauze and medical tape to cover the area.

Bandages hold in moisture, which aids in healing. This same moisture also provides the perfect breeding ground for any bacteria left in the wound. Always use a topical antibiotic cream when using a bandage. Change the bandage daily, or if it becomes wet or dirty. Reapply the antibiotic cream with each bandage change.

Step 7

Follow up to first aid:

Watch your cut, scratch or scrape for any sign of infection while it heals. Contact your doctor if you see any signs of infection or if the wound looks odd to you in any way. Signs of infection include:

  • Pain in the wound or in the surrounding area
  • Redness and warmth around the wound
  • Swelling in the area of the wound
  • Pus draining from the injury
  • Red streaks form around the injury
  • Fever



The Movement is providing different level activities in different sections like Cub/Bulbul, Scout/Guide and Rover/Ranger. We organize many National Level Programmes in a year where about one lakh young people are getting training in different aspects. Besides these, the young people are trained at unit level, group level, district level and State level.


We provide training for Adults, Unit Leaders, Leaders of Adults (Commissioners, Secretaries, Organizers etc at National Level in our well established Training Centres. Our National Training Centre is situated at Pachmarhi (M.P), National Youth Complex at Gadpuri, Dist-Palwal, Haryana and National Training Cum Camping Complex at New Ashok Nagar, Delhi. About 15,000 Adult Leaders are trained in a year in these training centres. Besides these, Adult Leaders are trained in different States in their established training centers by the States also.            


We have a well-established National Adventure Instiute at Pachmarhi (M.P) where good infrastructure is available for adventure programmes. We conduct 10 days and 07 days adventure programmes to all categories of young people. In addition to this, we conduct one International Adventure Programme every year. More than 5000 young people are undergoing our Adventure Programme every year from all parts of the Country.


We conduct National Jamborees once in every 04 (Four) years. About 25000 Scouts and Guides with their leaders are attending the Jamboree. Till date 16th National Jamboree, 01 SAARC Jamboree ad 03 Special National Jamborees were conducted. The last 16th National Jamboree was conducted at Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh in the year 2011 and the next 17th National Jamboree is scheduled to be conducted in the year 2015.


We organize National Integration Camp all over the country regularly to bring Scouts and Guides of different States and Regions to be closer at each other and know each other’s culture and tradition and inculcate a feeling of one ness and promote a feeling of National Integration among the young people. The Special National Integration Camp under the theme “Messenger of Peace” was conducted at our National Youth Complex, Gadpuri during 2011 where a large contingent of Scouts & Guides from Pakistan Boy Scout Association participated with the contingent from Bharat Scouts & Guides from all over the Country and similarly, in 2012 a Contingent from Bharat Scouts & Guides participated in the Integration Camp under the same theme at Islamabad, Pakistan.


We depute many Scouts, Guides, Rovers, Rangers and Adult Leaders to various International Events, Conferences, Workshops, Seminar etc. We organized the prestigious 20th ASIA PACIFIC REGIONAL SCOUT CONFERENCE in Delhi 2001, which was a grand success. We have conducted SAF CAMP at our National Youth Complex during 2010 in which participants from all the SAARC Countries participated. We also conducted the ASIA PACIFIC LEADER TRAINERS COURSE at our National Training Centre, Pachmarhi in M.P. Besides these, we have been conducting APR MANAGEMENT COURSES in India. Recently, we have conducted ASIA PACIFIC REGIONAL COMMUNITY BASED SCOUTING at New Delhi in September 2012.


The Rashtrapati Scout/Guide/Rover/Ranger which is the highest National Award being awarded to the outstanding Scouts, Guides, Rover and Rangers and presented by His Excellency the President of India every year in Rashtrapati Scout/Guide/Rover/Ranger Rally held at the Rashtrapati Bhavan since 1961. This has been continuously done till 2011. President of India has been the Chief Patron of the Bharat Scouts & Guides from 1950 from the period of the then first President of India Dr. Rajendra Prasadji. We have awards for our Adult Leaders also to recognize their valuable and selfless services.


We have Community-oriented competitions like Prime Ministers’ Shield and Upa-Rashtrapati Award Competitions for Scouts/Guides/Rovers/Rangers respectively. These competitions help us to encourage our young people to do the community service projects, which bring the Scout & Guide Movement closer to the community, and fulfill the Scout/Guide promise of helping others.


Bharat Scouts and Guides is well known and recognized at the National Level and International Level for promoting peace, harmony, Sadbhavana and National Integration. As the third largest organization in Scouting and second largest in Guiding in the World, the Bharat Scouts and Guides was the proud recipients of “UNITED NATIONS PEACE MESSENGER AWARD”  in the year 1987 and “INDIRA GANDHI AWARD FOR PEACE AND NATIONAL INTEGRATION” in the year 1998.

Flag Song

Bharat scout guide jhanda, Uncha sada rahega,
Uncha sada rahega jhanda, Uncha sada rahega.
Neela rang gagan sa vistrut Bhatru bhav failatha,
Tridal kamal nit teen pratigna onki yad dilate.
Aur chakr kehata hei Prathipal agey kadam badega.
Uncha sada rahega jhanda Uncha sada rahega.
Bharat scout guide jhanda, Uncha sada rahega,

  • भारत स्काउट गाइड झंडा ऊँचा सदा रहेगा,
  • ऊँचा सदा रहेगा झंडा ऊँचा सदा रहेगा.
  • नीला रंग गगन सा विस्तृत भात्र भाव फैलाता,
  • त्रिदल कमल नित तीन प्रतिज्ञाओं की याद दिलाता.
  • और चक्र कहता है प्रतिपल आगे कदम बढेगा,
  • ऊँचा सदा रहेगा झंडा ऊँचा सदा रहेगा.
  • भारत स्काउट गाइड झंडा ऊँचा सदा रहेगा.

First Aid Kit Contents

The first aid kit contents should consist of all the basic essentials needed to treat an injury. Prepare a first aid kit contents list and cross check it with a medical practitioner. Visit the local drug store and buy proper quantity of requirements according to the first aid kit contents list. The following first aid kits contents should be present in your kit. 

  • Bar of soap
  • 2-inch roller bandage
  • 1-inch roller bandage
  • 1-inch adhesive
  • 3-by-3-inch sterile pads
  • Triangular bandage
  • Assorted gauze pads
  • Adhesive strips
  • Oral thermometer
  • Scissors
  • Tweezers
  • Sunburn lotion
  • Lip slave
  • Poison-ivy lotion
  • Small flashlight(with extra batteries and bulbs)
  • Absorbent cotton
  • Iodine tablets
  • Safty pins
  • Needles
  • Paper cups
  • Foot powder
  • Instant ice packs
  • Insects repellent
  • Insect sting swabs
  • Matches
  • Oil of cloves
  • Hot-water bottle
  • Alcohol wipes
  • Acetaminophen and Ibuprofen
  • Gloves
  • 1 blanket (space blanket)
  • 1 blanket (space blanket)
  • Antibiotic Cream
  • Antiseptic solution(like hydrogen peroxide)
  • Antiseptic solution(like hydrogen peroxide)
  • First aid instruction booklet
  • List of emergency phone numbers

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